catbook Kexin Wang A PhD student at UKP, TU Darmstadt

I am currently a PhD student working on Natural Language Processing (NLP).

I joined the the UKP Lab, Techinical University of Darmstadt since Sept. 2020. My supervisors are Dr. Nils Reimers and Prof. Iryna Gurevych.

My research interests mainly include low-resource text representations and open-domain question answering.

I am also responsible for the invited talks at UKP. If interested, please send me an email.



  • UKP-SQuARE: Software for Question Answering Research
    Tim Baumgärtner, Kexin Wang, Rachneet Singh Sachdeva, Gregor Geigle, Max Eichler, Clifton A. Poth, Hannah Sterz, Haritz Puerto, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Jonas Pfeiffer, Nils Reimers, Gözde Gül Şahin and Iryna Gurevych. Accepted in ACL 2022 System Demonstrations. [code]

